
As a little Christmas gesture for the lovely support and kind comments I've been receiving on my blog lately, I thought I would do a giveaway. 

So for a chance to win one of my 2013 calendars & a pack of postcards... please leave a comment on this post or on my facebook page.

I'll announce the winner at the end of the week. :)

We had a lovely weekend doing some Christmassy things with the girls. We saw a fun, local production of the Elves & the Shoemaker on Saturday & then threw a little party at our new place on Sunday afternoon.

We made a batch of this delicious mulled wine from Jamie Oliver's website - possibly the best I've tasted. So may yummy spices & flavours in 1 cup, so highly recommended by me if you're thinking to make some...

Anyway, I hope you are all having a wonderful lead up to Christmas and you're not getting too caught up with the manic spending side of it all. 
